Dallas Mapping Project
1. What brought you out to the park today?
I like to visit the park to get some fresh air and to come out for some sun.
2. Did you grow up in Dallas?
No, actually I just moved here 3 years ago from Brooklyn, New York- I also lived in Miami for awhile.
3. What is your occupation?
I am a Doctor, in private practice in Irving.
4. How is Klyde Warren Park different from other parks you have visited?
It’s right in the middle of the city but it feels different than the ones in New York.
5. What’s your favorite feature of this park?
I really enjoy the grassy areas and the nice big open spaces.
6. Is it a typical day for you to visit the park on a normal day?
On a non-work day, this is pretty usual for me. I like to be active and go on bike rides or go to the gym.
7. What do you think could be improved in the park?
I think it could be a bit bigger. And, there are some issues with the food here, just look at those lines- they are ridiculous!
8. How often do you go to the park?
I try to visit at least once a week.
9. Do you know who the designer/ architect was for this park?
If it was a multiple choice question, I would.
Visitor at Kylde Warren Park
Klyde Warren Park opened to the public on October 29, 2012. It is a new urban park in downtown Dallas open to all. Klyde Warren Park is located on top of Woodall Rodgers Freeway, in between Uptown and Downtown Dallas. The visitor I interviewed at the park is a private Doctor who works in Irving, TX. He lives near the park and he moved to Texas 3 years ago from New York City- where there are lots of great parks!