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NorthPark Center

Dallas, TX
NorthPark is an upscale shopping mall located in Dallas, Texas.  Opened in 1965, the center now has over 235 stores and restaurants, and it was the first shopping center featured in Vogue Magazine. It has annual sales of more than $1 billion. In the early 1960s, developer Raymond Nasher leased a 97 acre cotton field on the edge of Dallas, and hired E.G. Hamilton to design the center. In 2006, NorthPark opened its doors to the expansion that more than doubled the size of the shopping center.
NorthPark includes an AMC Theater 15, and, a branch of the  Dallas Public Library, making it the first public library in the US located in a shopping center. Other cool stores located in the center are, Gucci, Versace, Louis Vuitton, and of course, Apple.  NorthPark Center is also known for its collection of world class modern sculptures that you can see throughout the mall.  The mall itself is like a huge gallery-  where you can also shop.

One of the amazing art works in NorthPark center is the “Large Leaping Hare”, by Barry Flanagan. It’s a gilded bronze leaping hare on an iron pedestal- an amazing sculpture that is sure to catch your eye.


Large Leaping Hare

Skyline Architecture Cluster / T 972.502.3400 / / © 2013 by Skyline Architecture Cluster

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