Dallas Mapping Project
Abraham Carver Cemetery
Located on Sand Springs Park
"According to the Texas Historical marker at Sand Springs Park, “Twenty-one graves have been located in the Abraham Carver Cemetery which covers one-half acre of land and contains six generations of Carver family members. The earliest marked grave is that of Abraham Carver (1806-1883), who came to Texas in 1844 with his brothers Solomon and Daniel. This family cemetery is located on a small portion of his original 320-acre land grant. Carver's second wife, Elizabeth (d. 1885), and two of their children are also interred here. The last burial, that of Chris Carver (b. 1866), took place in 1946.”
This Cemetery, located in the middle of a park is a mystery to me- I have been living in my house for the past 12 years, and I’ve never really been too curious about the cemetery. In fact, I have been somewhat afraid of it. When I finally got over my fear, I learned a lot about the history of my neighborhood.
Scyene was officially established in 1854 when a post office was built in the city. Before that, the town had been called either Thorpville or Prairie Creek. The town name was suggested by James Beeman with the spelling of "Seine", but residents first spelled it Sceyne, which eventually changed to Scyene.
Scyene Road