Dallas Mapping Project
1. What made you become an artist?
I had a passion for it and I could draw. One of my middle school teachers inspired me.
2. Who inspired you to become an artist?
My 8th grade art teacher, her name was Caroline Reed.
3. What’s the best painting or drawing you have ever made, and what is it called?
One of my best paintings is called,” La Familia” it was an old neon sign in front of a supermarket.
4. Do you ever get bored while drawing?
Oh!! Yes, often because drawing takes lots of time- you have to take a break.
5. Was it hard for you to become an artist?
I am still becoming and artist…..
6. Do you like what you do?
I love what I do; I wake up every morning doing something I love to do.
7. When was the first time you realized you like being an artist?
When I was a little kid, I would draw lots of things, and in high school I realized I was good at it. In college, I realized my art made people happy and caused them to smile.
8. Would you trade your job for any other job?
YES?!! I always dream about being a professional baseball player.
9. If you could meet anybody in the world who would it be?
I would want to meet Andy Warhol and Jackson Pollock. Why Jackson Pollock,? Well, because he was the guy who invented drip painting.
10. What was your best life experience dealing with art?
Hmmmm… My best life experience dealing with art would be when I was nominated for the,”
Hunting Art Prize”, I was actually a finalist.
11. Did anyone ever tell you, “You can’t do it”, or “Don’t be an artist”.
Yes, my father he wanted me to be a doctor or a lawyer. He said I would always be a starving
Mr. Bingham