Dallas Mapping Project

Trinity River Audubon Center
October 2008
The Trinity River Audubon Center opened in 2008. It was designed by Albuquerque architect Antonie Predock, and was the first certified LEED building constructed by The Dallas Parks and Recreation Department. The site was once part of a landfill reclaimed as a restoration project. To deal with the waste, it was piled and buried then later planted with prairie grass and tall indigenous hardwood trees.
The Audubon Center consists of many eco-friendly features such as a green roof that reduces heat, reduced water consumption throughout the building, and low environmental impact construction materials. These materials include recycled materials, and renewable resources such as bamboo, wool, cotton, straw, wheat, and cork.
The site is located in southeastern Dallas, and contains a variety of programs for all ages such as hiking, bird watching, adventure camps, and outdoor survival skill learning. The unique thing about the Audubon Center is that it sits in the middle of an urban community, proving that nature can be in your own backyard.

Antonie Predock is a famous architect based in Albuquerque New Mexico. He has won many awards such as an AIA Gold Medal in 2007. His designs have been highly influenced by his connection to the land such as its rock formations and pueblo dwellings in the desert southwest where he lives.
Antonie Predock