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1) What inspires you in life? In work?
FB: I get inspired by works of art, buildings, and nature.
2) Out of all the projects you have done, which one is your favorite? Why?
FB: My thesis project because it is my own project and is a personal investigation. Usually, in every other studio, the project belongs to the instructor. But as a 5th year thesis student, I get to test my own ideas as an architectural designer.
3) Do you consider architecture to be an art? If yes, in what way?
FB: No, I do not think it is an art because it is its own discipline. As architects, we have to test to ensure that whatever we design works at a buildable scale. Artists have more freedom, and are not constricted by such constraints.
4) If you could describe yourself in one word what would it be? Why?
FB: Fearless, because you have to be fearless in this profession.
5) At what moment did you decide that architecture is going to be your future?
FB: I think when I was in 11th grade. The Architecture Cluster at Skyline had a huge influence on me because it was an early introduction to the profession.
6) Is there any specific guiding principle you go by? A famous quote perhaps?
FB: No, I do not go by any principle, but I do go by what I have learned.
7) Who would you say is your role model?
FB: My mother because she has been a creative influence in my life. She is kind of like an artist in her own way, which is what influenced me to pursue something artistic
8) What do you think is your greatest strength? What do you think is your greatest weakness?
FB: I believe my greatest strength is my ability to design, and my weakness would be a lack of knowledge on certain topics.
9) What do you see yourself doing in a year? Five years? Ten years?
FB: In a year I see myself working in a firm. In five years, I might teach or work for a big firm. In ten years, I see myself owning my own firm
10) Who do you believe has been your toughest critic when it comes to your work?


FB: My toughest critic has been Jeffrey Kipnis because he knows a lot about architectural theory, philosophy, and art history.​

Francisco Barron

Francisco Barron is a student at SCI-Arc.  At 23 years of age, he is already a well-respected designer. He was born in San Luis Potosi, Mexico and came to Dallas, Texas with his family when he was eight-months old.  He grew up in East Dallas and began to pursue a career of architecture in Skyline High School’s Architecture Cluster.  He graduated in 2008, and is currently in his 5th year at SCI-Arc where he is currently working on his thesis to receive a Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture. In 2012, Barron had the opportunity to study in Vienna Austria at the University of Applied Arts in Zaha Hadid’s Master Class Studio.

P.S. He claims to be fabulous and not afraid of glamour.

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